Dental implants
Many people are self-conscious about their smile because of missing teeth. Thankfully, today there are good cosmetic options available to fix the problem.
In the past, dentures and bridges were the favored solutions for tooth loss, but dental implants have become an increasingly popular choice.
Implants are attached to the jaw bone using titanium posts. The bone grows around the post and connects to it, eliminating the need for denture adhesives. Because the posts are fused to the jawbone, they don't slip, which means there's no friction against the gums that can cause sore gums or mouth ulcers.
With implants you can be comfortable and confident eating whatever you like, and you don't have to worry about embarrassing movement noises.
Implants are placed in the position of your original tooth so they look natural. You care for them just like your original teeth, you brush, floss, and have regular checkups.
While dental implant costs can seem expensive, if you consider the long-term upkeep expenses for bridges and dentures, plus the time required for refitting dentures or keeping special dental appointments, implants can actually be more affordable, with better results than other procedures.
If you're thinking about implants, you'll want to work with a dental implant dentist who has a track record of success. If you're in Ventura, CA and want to know if you're a good candidate for implants, contact Cedars Dentistry at (805) 628-9266.